Obituary of Damien Scott Stefancik
Hewitt, NJ
Mr. Damien Scott Stefancik passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, November 27, 2021. He was 34. Born on March 25, 1987, to mother Sonja and father Milton, Damien was a devoted son, grandson, cousin, uncle and brother.
Known for his kindness, selflessness and caring for the people who mattered most to him, Damien was a friend to all those who knew him. He is loved, honored, and missed for the rest of our days.
Visitation will be held on Tuesday, December 7, 2021, from 11:00am to 1:00pm at the Warwick Center - Mulder Chapel, 62 Warwick Center Road, Warwick, NY 10990. A funeral service will take place at 1:00pm at the chapel. Masks will be required. The family further requests that all in attendance wear something blue, Damien’s favorite color.
Funeral arrangements are honorably entrusted to Zygmunt-Murtie Funeral and Cremation Service - 845-977-6127 or visit
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Damien Stefancik, please visit our Tree StoreVisitation
Funeral Service
Orange County
4 Oak Street
Greenwood Lake, NY 10925
Fax 845-794-7475
(Formerly-Strong Basile Funeral Home)
Sullivan County
388 Broadway
Monticello, NY 12701
Fax 845-794-7475
We understand that there are many questions that arise when a death occurs. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer questions you may have and provide direction. Please call us if you require immediate assistance.
Zygmunt Murtie Funeral and Cremation Service 4 Oak Street Greenwood Lake, NY (Formerly Strong-Basile Funeral Home)
Zygmunt-Murtie Funeral and Cremation Service 388 Broadway, Monticello, NY
Zygmunt Murtie Memorials, LLC Warwick, NY